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The Henry Family Loves Slade!

10 Reasons Why We Love Slade:

1. Our twin daughters are excited to go to school every day! They look forward to seeing their friends and learning what the teachers have planned for them.

2. The middle school faculty creates engaging and challenging activities. A few examples from 7th grade: the kids learned about latitude and longitude in social studies by playing Battleship, participated in "random public speaking" in ELA to improve written and oral skills, and improved their graphing skills with "graph-itis" in math.

3.The kids are being taught how to use technology appropriately. Middle school students are assigned a Chromebook which they carry with them each day and use for online assignments in school. Technology class teaches them how to navigate new software and safely use the internet.

4. Each day starts with a school-wide daily prayer service which gives all students a positive way to focus their day. Last year, an Advent Kindness Challenge was started to teach the kids many ways to be extra kind and giving during the liturgical season.

5. Every grade level participates in the monthly Brown Bag Breakfast service project which helps a local nonprofit provide breakfasts for those in need.

6. In the Buddy Program, 4th-8th students are paired with younger students. They attend mass together and do other social/service projects throughout the year. These activities encourage older students to be good role models to the younger students.

7. Middle school electives are awesome and expose students to things that are not normally taught in school. Last year, the girls participated in Faith in Films, Nature Art Journaling, and Drama; the teachers have also offered courses like Psychology, Jewelry Making, and Pickleball.

8. Slade has traditions which enhance community and fellowship for both parents and kids like Sneak-a-Peek & Snowballs, faculty kickball game, Halloween costume parade, Kindergarten balloon parade at Thanksgiving, and the last day of school water fight between students and teachers.

9. There are a variety of team building extra curricular opportunities - our girls got involved in robotics, soccer, and band. The kids are always eager to be prepared for these activities, and the adult leaders are great mentors for them.

10. The HASA and School Admin make it easy for parents to earn service hours and share their talents by volunteering. In the last year, we donated items for the monthly snack sale, assisted with open house tours, decorated a teacher's classroom door for teacher appreciation week, and attended Trunk or Treat and Christmas at Slade.

Once her family made their Reasons to Love Slade list...Thalia Henry, 8th Grade, wrote this beautiful poem as another way to express her family's sentiments about a Slade education & community. 

Our twin daughters are excited to go to school every day
Even though it's their 8th grade year, they want to stay
They're excited to see their friends and begin with prayer
Kindness and gratitude float through the air.

Fun activities and assignments the teachers create
Like longitude/latitude battleship, random public speaking, and "graph"-iti-ing straight
The teachers really help students learn
They even provide some after school and recess tutoring for nothing in return.

Each grade is doing a different service activity each week
This year's theme "to give back with grateful hearts" is unique
4th through 8th graders get a little buddy
Together, they get to lead little ones and study.

Friday middle school electives are so fun and exciting
Even the extracurricular activities are very inviting
Electives include Psychology, Art Nature Journaling, and Lend-a-Hand
After school activities could be Student Government, Robotics, Soccer, and Advanced Band.

Kids learn about appropriate use of the internet in technology class
Our technological knowledge they'll soon surpass
Parents have lots of chances to gain service hours without too many details
Options include cleaning the school, open house tours, and monthly snack sales

School activities are enjoyable and inclusive for all
Including Christmas at Slade, a fall dance, and faculty kickball
Slade is an amazing school we'd recommend
Come join us - make a friend!