Sixth Graders Harvest 8000 Pounds of Cabbage
Sixth grade students took a field trip to First Fruits Farm in Freeland, Maryland. A family-run and volunteer driven farm, First Fruits supports organizations serving needy individuals and families in their area. Fresh produce is planted and harvested by volunteers then donated to the hungry.
Established in 1998 by the Bernstein family, First Fruits Farm gave our sixth grade students an opportunity to live the message in the Beatitudes and be the first hands in the process of feeding the hungry. At the farm's new 203 acre location in Freeland, Monsignor Slade sixth graders gathered despite the rainy weather to serve others.
During their visit, our 6th grade students harvested 8,000 pounds of cabbage which will ultimately provide for 32,000 meals.
The mission of First Fruits Farm is to advance the Kingdom of God on earth by:
- Growing and giving food to those in need, in Jesus’ name.
- Bringing together volunteers from diverse backgrounds to share a time of serving and blessing others.
- Providing a fellowship opportunity for people of all races, socio-economic classes, and religious affiliations in a natural setting that demonstrates God’s grace and the love of Christ.
- Offering a regular opportunity for Christian servant leadership.