News - Service
Friday, March 10
Lenten Service Project Benefits Operation Mato Grosso
Monsignor Slade students and community continue Lenten food drive to support Operation Mato Grosso for fifth year.

Wednesday, October 23
Sixth Graders Harvest 8000 Pounds of Cabbage
Sixth grade students from Monsignor Slade Catholic School harvested 8000 pounds of cabbage in one hour. Their harvest yielded enough food to provide for 32000 meals!

Friday, November 16
Generosity of Monsignor Slade Community Fills 275 Stockings for Soldiers
Monsignor Slade sends holiday cheer to soldiers serving overseas.

Friday, November 2
Slade 5th & 6th Graders Donate 200 Brown Bag Lunches to Homeless
The mission of Monsignor Slade is to serve--students in fourth and fifth grade made 200 lunches for Happy Helpers for the Homeless. They are certainly contributing to the Archdiocesan year of service!

Friday, October 5
Slade Delivers 138 Brown Bag Lunches to Happy Helpers for the Homeless
Monsignor Slade 3rd and 4th graders serve the homeless in their local community.

Tuesday, September 18
Slade Students & Families Collect Food for the Hungry
At Monsignor Slade, students and their families collected more than 600 pounds of food for the hungry in Anne Arundel County. Our mission is to serve!

Tuesday, December 5
Slade Donates 880 Pounds of Toys and Uniforms to Apopka!
Through the generosity of past and present MSCS families with the help of Southwest Airlines, Monsignor Slade sent 28 boxes of toys and uniforms to families in Apopka, FL.