
Friday, April 24

Morning Message: April 24

Have a wonderful day and a beautiful weekend. Even on a rainy day you can be someone’s sunshine, attitude is everything!

Thursday, April 23

Morning Message: April 23

After Jesus’ death, his disciples were afraid. But Jesus wanted them to continue his work. He gave them strength and courage. His appearances gave the disciples comfort, and they were encouraged to continue God’s work.

Wednesday, April 22

Morning Message: April 22

Today, the disciples traveling to Emmaus recognize Jesus in a particular way. Let's start our day as we always do, in prayer. Take a moment to enjoy our beautiful Earth today; it is the 50th celebration of Earth Day! God saw all that He had made, and it was very good. Genesis 1:31

Tuesday, April 21

Morning Message: April 21

Gather to hear a message about finding the holiness in others and having faith in God even when it might be hard. Mrs. Cox shares her morning message to bring Monsignor Slade students and teachers together in spirit.

Monday, April 20

Morning Message: April 20

Don't you love a good mystery? This morning, Mrs. Cox shares the greatest mystery story ever told! Gather in spirit with fellow members of our Monsignor Slade community to discover more and start your Monday off right!

Friday, April 17

Weekly Update for 4-17-20

Friday, April 17

COVID-19 Update for AOB families

Announcement made concerning the archdiocesan response to the continued closure of Maryland schools.

Friday, April 17

Morning Message: April 17

Listen as Mrs. Cox gathers our community to share how we are able to know God is present and His love for us exists. She offers a great metaphor for us: Can you feel the wind? How do you know it is there? Just like we know the wind is there, we can have faith that God is present.

Thursday, April 16

Morning Message: April 16

Good morning! We are so glad to welcome you back. Christ is risen, Alleluia!

Friday, April 3

Weekly Update for 4-3-20