
Thursday, April 16

Morning Message: April 16

Good morning! We are so glad to welcome you back. Christ is risen, Alleluia!

Friday, April 3

Weekly Update for 4-3-20

Friday, April 3

A Special Message

A special message for our students!

Friday, April 3

Morning Message: April 3

We can choose to follow Jesus and make him the King and Lord of our life! Let us pray to Jesus and join our voices with the voices of the people in Jerusalem some 2,000 years ago. Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.

Thursday, April 2

Morning Message: April 2

During this time, we have all had an opportunity to reflect on what we hold most dear and what we feel is our personal treasure. Take a moment to listen to Mrs. Cox's Morning Message.

Wednesday, April 1

Morning Message: April 1

Today marks the start of a new month! Take a moment to listen to the morning message and discover the compass God provided to guide you through life.

Monday, March 30

Morning Message: March 30

Good morning and happy Monday! Join us as we begin our third week of distance-learning with Mrs. Cox's morning message!

Friday, March 27

Weekly Update for 3-27-20

Friday, March 27

Morning Message: March 27

St. Paul offers excellent examples of specific ways we can carry on Jesus’ work at home and in school.

Thursday, March 26

Fourth Graders Connect with Baltimore Orioles

Happy ML-Would B Opening Day! Mrs. Benitez's English Language Arts students practiced their letter writing skills while wishing members of the Baltimore Orioles MLB team a successful season.