
Wednesday, May 20

Morning Message: May 20

With God all things are possible. God changes lives and he changed Saul's life on that road to Damascus.

Tuesday, May 19

Morning Message: May 19

Daily prayer is a habit essential to our spiritual lives. In prayer we find friendship with God, food for our souls, and great comfort.

Monday, May 18

Morning Message: May 18

As believers in Christ, we must remember to pray for our enemies; those who spitefully mistreat us. We must also stay true to our faith, and stand on the promises of God as Stephen did, speaking the truth regardless of the oppositions we may face.

Friday, May 15

Weekly Update for 5-15-20

Thursday, May 14

Morning Message: May 14

Following Jesus is not always easy. But Jesus says that those who love him and keep his word will receive courage and peace through the Holy Spirit.

Wednesday, May 13

Morning Message: May 13

Today is the Feast Day of Our Lady of Fatima. The Blessed Mother appeared to three children in Portugal, children like you.

Tuesday, May 12

Morning Message: May 12

Jesus said, "Love one another as I have loved you."

Monday, May 11

Morning Message: May 11

In today’s Gospel reading we hear Jesus call himself the Good Shepherd. As the Good Shepherd, Jesus knows his sheep and he protects them from harm. Jesus uses these images to communicate how he cares for each of us.

Friday, May 8

Weekly Update for 5-8-2020

Friday, May 8

Morning Message: May 8

Jesus says for my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.