
Friday, May 8

Weekly Update for 5-8-2020

Friday, May 8

Morning Message: May 8

Jesus says for my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

Thursday, May 7

Morning Message: May 7

Good morning! Today is the National Day of Prayer. Take time to pray for our country, the world, your loved ones and our school community. (And don't forget your teachers, it's still Teacher Appreciation Week!)

Wednesday, May 6

Morning Message: May 6

In today’s reading we hear that Jesus welcomes the children. He teaches that children have a special relationship to God and reveal something about God’s Kingdom to us.

Tuesday, May 5

Morning Message: May 5

Jesus’ experiences on earth allow him to relate with us; he sees we all need of forgiveness. Rather than be angry, guilty or aggressive with ourselves and others; he suggests instead that we assume a gentle, forgiving or accepting attitude. God knows what’s best for us, in fact, God knows what we need before we do!

Friday, May 1

Weekly Update for 5-1-20

Friday, May 1

Morning Message: May 1

Let us pray our Morning Offering together. Today is the Feast Day of St. Joseph the Worker. The statue pictured is at a church in Poland and features Joseph with his carpentry tools. Can you imagine Jesus learning from him?

Thursday, April 30

Morning Message: April 30

Jesus' followers continued to face challenges while spreading the Good News. Hear more of the story. Mrs. Cox's #photochallenge: share photos of you and your rescued pet!

Wednesday, April 29

Morning Message: April 29

The early followers of Jesus focused on supporting one another, sharing their lives, riches, and blessings in community. All blessings we receive are gifts from God and meant to be shared.

Tuesday, April 28

Morning Message: April 28

We come to church and to a Catholic school to learn more about Jesus as well as helping our brothers and sisters and serving Jesus by using the gifts that He has given to us. We are a family in Jesus’ name and God’s family sticks together.